Seasonal Yoga Workshops and Intensives

summer yin meditation zen session

cool down, calm down

sunday 1st dec 1 – 3.30pm

Summer Yin Workshop 1st dec 2024

summer yoga intensive – heart and the fire element

2nd – 8th dec 2024

summer yoga intensive 2024

All enquiries about classes and courses by email

Seasonal Yoga Intensives

The seasons represent the ever changing cycles of nature, the cycles of life. The 5 elements, meridian theory and Ayurveda all speak of the laws of nature and the effect these have on us physiologically and psychologically; playing out through our bodies, minds, energy, emotions, our health and wellbeing. Living in harmony with nature is one of the great secrets of yoga, promoting longevity, wellbeing and vitality.

Intensive week is a focussed time for you to immerse in yoga and meditation practice. It is not at all intense, and caters for all levels of ability. Intensive week consists of early morning class for 5 days with seasonally specific asana, pranayama and meditation. At each intensive, the body receives renewed energy to align and balance itself with the season. The yoga practices nurture and harmonise you with the governing season. The yoga practices are designed to allow the organs to heal and function well. The becomes body cleansed and refreshed. The mind becomes calm and stable settled with clarity and presence.

Everyone is welcome, suits all levels and abilities.

Attendance with Booking, which includes a valuable resource Ebook: seasonal theory, correspondences, ayurveda, student notes, nutritional guidelines, lifestyle tips for best results and delicious seasonal whole foods recipes. Bookings are essential for these inspiring and popular courses.

Seasonal intensive week is like a mini retreat without the airfare!

Outline of each Season Intensive

Spring Intensive: the wood element (liver gall bladder meridians) and kapha.                                                                         Date: 16th September 2024. Time: 6am – 7.30am.   option: 7 or 10 days                                                                                         

theme is detoxification. spring is the time to turn over a new leaf with a good spring cleanse. spring is a time of rebirth and renewal, change and new beginnings. yoga seeks to refresh and renew energy, cleanse and rest organs through cleansing practices and simple clean diet to reestablish lightness in body and mind.

Summer Yoga Intensive: summer the fire element and pitta                                                                                               Date: Dec 2nd – 8th 2024. Time: 6am – 7.30am. 

Theme: “radiant heart”. summer is the yang season, energy is expansive, expressive and creative. inner power, communication, relationship with ourself and others are heightened in this season, the capacity to be more light hearted and joyful with compassion and connection in this expressive expansive season. summertiime brings important focus to the heart, addressing stress impacting the heart and heart health. the beginning of the year is a good time to refresh and renew body and mind, after the festivites and celebrations. A week of cleansing yoga practices renew our bodies and moinds with fresh energy and clarity. a 7 day yoga to feel refreshed and lighter in body and mind.

Autumn Intensive: the metal element (lung large intestine meridians) and vata.
Date: tba 2025. Time: 6am – 7.30am.

Theme: “let go”. release body, release breath…breathe out. let go of stale energy, old patterns and negative habits. attune and align with autumn’s contractive energy. tone body, open lungs and improve breathing. in this season the lungs are opened strengtrhened, promoting healing. improve breathing, elimination and trim down. gain focus and clarity. autumn invites organisation in every sense, and creating healthy boundaries. feel the lightness and clarity benefits of letting go in your mind and body.

Winter Yoga + Meditation Weekend Immersion: the water element (kidney bladder meridians)                        dates and times: tba 2025

theme: “longevity”. winter yoga is a dive into the quiet depths. restoration and rejuvination with water element postures calming pranayama, meditation and intentional rest and restoration.
in this season we seek to restore, conserve and contain our energy with yoga practices for rejuvenation, inner balance and healing. yoga in this season addresses the spine, neck and low back, creating hormonal balance and conservation of life force. soothing and calming, yoga, pranayama and stillness meditation relieve the effects of stress and adrenal exhaustion.



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Gwynne Jones
+61 414 579 446